Hair Extensions by Unyozi Salón located in Barcelona. Its small salon but very cute founded by Shirley Marín- International talented in Hair Extension artist that worked in different countries will provide you all the information you need about Natural Hair Extensions. One of the most frequent questions we receive is Why is our salon different than others?  We distinguishes than others because! We love and enjoy doing hair extensions! Shirley  and her team of hairstylist have skills and particular style of working that Unyozi Salón became well-known in short period of time opened in Barcelona. She is responsible of training the staff of the salon. With our hair extensions you can

  • Add length, body,color and highlights, without the use of chemicals that only damaged your own natural hair.
  • Hair extensions are 100% ethically natural and damage free.
  • Care and maintenance, discreet, confidential and the best service.
  • Expert advice at the most certified experience in hair extensions.
  • Free private consultations.

Why experience is important? 
Although hair extensions seems easy to apply or tutorial videos in Youtube to show us how to do it ourselves. This work if we use "clip in hair extensions" because is just to clip in however if you use them very often is very important to learn some strategies ways to use them without damaging your own hair.

BUT when hair extensions method are fusion or tape in. It`s important to be installed by a professional hairstylist who is certified and have years of experience in these hair extensions methods. It`s worth investing the money to get it installed so you have a great experience and not damaging your own natural hair.

What factors will unYozi salon consider to decide which hair extensions are right for you? Our certified professional in hair extensions consider the condition, texture and length of your own natural hair like discussing your “hair goals” and before taking decision try with different styles to find the best extensions to give you the feel and the look that you want to get that !stunning hair  you´ve always dreamed of !

What type of hair is used in the hair extensions at our salon?

We select the highest quality of hair extensions to ensure that they will blend in and look “most natural” with your own natural hair. We use 100% Human Remy Hair. We have a different selection of styles either wavy or straight. 

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